Durham, North Carolina is wild about all things basketball. They are also wild about the incredible selection of area rugs on rugs.com. Now you can see all of the most popular rugs in Durham and every major city in North Carolina all in one place. Click the bestsellers section of our website to see the most popular rug styles and shapes near you and choose your favorite today.

It can be difficult to decorate in Durham without the proper help. Let rugs.com provide that help by showing you all of the trending rugs in your city below. If you have any questions, we are available 24/7 with answers. We also offer free shipping to Durham so you won’t have to wait long for your new rug from rugs.com to arrive.

Trending rugs in Durham:

Bestselling Rugs in Durham

These are the rugs customers from Durham, NC bought most often.

These rugs were the best sellers in the Durham-Chapel Hill, NC metro area which includes: Bahama, Bear Creek, Bennett, Bullock, Butner, Carrboro, Cedar Grove, Chapel Hill, Creedmoor, Durham, Efland, Goldston, Gulf, Hillsborough, Hurdle Mills, Moncure, Oxford, Pittsboro, Research Triangl, Rougemont, Roxboro, Semora, Siler City, Stem, Stovall, Timberlake.

Other metro areas in NC:

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