The friendly people in New Haven, Connecticut enjoy showing off their new rugs from to family and friends. Now you can see all of their favorite purchases in the bestsellers section of our website. We rank the most popular rugs in New Haven each month so you never miss out on a trend. We have every rug style and color, including entryway rugs, outdoor rugs, round rugs, small rugs, area rugs, and every other kind of rug to choose from. We know you will love a new rug from

See what your neighbors are buying and get the most popular outdoor rug in New Haven for yourself as early as tomorrow with free one-day shipping! has all of your decorating needs covered, both indoors and out. Most popular rugs in New Haven:

Bestselling Rugs in New Haven

These are the rugs customers from New Haven, CT bought most often.

These rugs were the best sellers in the New Haven-Milford, CT metro area which includes: Ansonia, Beacon Falls, Bethany, Branford, Cheshire, Derby, East Haven, Guilford, Hamden, Madison, Meriden, Middlebury, Milford, Naugatuck, New Haven, North Branford, North Haven, Northford, Orange, Oxford, Prospect, Seymour, Southbury, Wallingford, Waterbury, West Haven, Wolcott, Woodbridge.

Other metro areas in CT:

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